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CeNing Moved to New Address on 2019-12-13

Author:hyoptest   Add Time:2019-12-14 20:13:07
CeNing Moved to New Address on 2019-12-13

Dear Valued customers,

We are pround to announce that due to our growth and old industrical park reconstruction, we moved to a new location last week. From 2019-12-2, old address (Taijiang park 20th bldg, Jinshan Ave 618) was invalid. Our new location is as below

         CeNing Optics Co Ltd

         3F, Building 2

         Yangqi Zhi Road 4

         Fuzhou, 350007, Fujian

Telephone/fax remained the same, Please kindly update our new address in your database.

 We have enjoyed doing business with you and appreciate your support.

CeNing Optics Co.,Ltd, Tel: +86 591 8733 8232 E-mail:
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